Monday, July 1, 2013

Still Cruising Along!

* Emma's feedings have increased everyday and she is now at the full amount of what babies her age and weight would eat! We try bottle feeding twice a day and last night she drank almost a full bottle! She is digesting everything and the fluid has not re-accumulated, so that is a great sign that the cause of her hydrops will not be lymphatic, which is very dangerous. We will probably never know the cause, but if the fluid never comes back that is ok! There is still a small chance it could come back and end up being lymphatic, but the chances at this point are pretty small. Praise God!!!!!

* Unfortunately, Emma was having trouble breathing the last few days so her nasal cannula is back in. Her stomach muscles are a little underdeveloped from all the fluid that was in there so the oxygen support really helps her be able to drink from the bottle. This is just a minor set back, and we are sure once she conquers the bottle she will be able to wean from the cannula and breathe on her own again.

* Emma is now in a big girl crib! She has maintained a normal temperature so she doesn't have to stay in her glass box anymore! It is so wonderful to see her in a normal bed!

That's about it for now! Emma has made HUGE progress in such a short amount of time! We are so proud of her and all that she has overcome! She is such a strong little girl already, we just know that God has BIG plans for her! Thank you for continuing to praying with us!

Emma in her big girl crib!
 Showing a little personality
 Daddy feeding Emma a bottle
 Snuggle time with Mommy!

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