Thursday, September 5, 2013

Growing Girl

* Emma went to see the cardiologist last week for an ultrasound, and her lungs and heart are doing great! She still has the small hole or opening in the top septum of her heart, but that is normal for preemies and it should close on its own. If it hasn't closed by the time she is 5-6 years old she will have to have a procedure to fix it, but it is nothing to worry about now. We will go back to the cardiologist in 6 months.

* Emma also had an x-ray last week to monitor the fluid around her lungs. Good news, the amount of fluid has not increased! She will continue taking the Lasix diuretic everyday to keep the fluid out.

* Physical therapy is going great so far. Heather comes to our house once a week to work with Emma, and she has already made lots of improvements! Emma is doing great at tummy time, tracking with her eyes, reflexes, and rolling from side to tummy! Her fighting heart is very determined to succeed!

* Before Emma was discharged from the NICU, Justin and I were required to attend a discharge class. The most important thing we learned was infection and sickness prevention. Preemies are at a greater risk of catching the flu and RSV, and since the season has already started, we have to be really strict on who can hold Emma and of course washing our hands. Our parents, grandparents, and siblings are the only ones we are allowing to hold Emma right now. We really appreciate the understanding of extended family and friends. The nurses and doctors told us several times that nobody other than Justin and I should touch Emma's face or hands. Trust me, it is not easy telling our family not to touch this precious baby, but we have to do what is best for her. Bottom line, if Emma got sick, she goes straight to Dell children's, and nobody wants that to happen!

* Emma had thrush when she left the NICU but we gave her medicine and it went away quickly and her appetite returned. She is currently eating 4 oz every 4 hours. She eats at 10 pm and usually sleeps until 7 am, thank God!

After almost 8 weeks in the NICU, and only being held for an hour a day, Emma just wants to be held all the time! I can't complain, because holding one of God's miracles in my arms is an amazing feeling. Laney doesn't mind, and she loves to give her little sister hugs and kisses. Life at home with two girls is so great! Thank you for continuing to pray for Emma Grace. We are so incredibly blessed and honored that God chose us to be her parents. She is the perfect addition to our little family. Please continue to pray for her, and for Justin and I, as the emotions are still very fresh, and the medical bills are piling high. We are continuing to put our faith in God to carry us through.

Best Friends!